Earthwise 20-Inch Lawn Mower Blade #RB82020 Review

Earthwise 20-Inch Lawn Mower Blade #RB82020
Earthwise 20-Inch Lawn Mower Blade #RB82020
Brand : Earthwise
Model : RB82020
Overall Rating :
From : 2 Reviews

Technical Detail
  • 20-Inch Lawn Mower Blade
  • For Earthwise 20-Inch Lawn Mowers
Product Description

20", Lawn Mower Blade Fits All 20" Earthwise Electric Mowers.  [...]
Earthwise 20-Inch Lawn Mower Blade #RB82020

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

Hugh Arnold
I liked the old blade so well I bought three new ones. The damn things are so lazy that the three of them don't do any better than the old one did by itself. Two of the new ones just sit on the shelf trying to look pretty and just laugh at me every time I walk by them. I guess that the low price they cost me gives me good cause to tolerate their smug laughter but I was hoping that the three of them would work together and save me some time. They are quite sharp, though. I guess that having three of them will save me time from getting more in the next couple years. They are a lot prettier than the old one was. They did come very quickly and they don't eat much at all. I guess that the three new ones will just sit on their ass all winter with the old one. They do pick up bad habits rather quickly.
I guess I should be quite happy. They are my precious metals and in this economy they won't loose value like the yard they were bought to cut.

Ronald L. Gillum ( Norman, OK 73071 )
This is not self-propelled, and the new sod is full of weeds and the lawn is rough and uneven. It was not a good choice for our 12,000 sq ft of lawn, with its swales and dips and rises and hills. It made me very tired, but it mows well and worked well immediately. It can do more than an hour of mowing without recharging. I had to buy a self-propelled gas powered mower to keep the lawn under control, but I will use this periodically on the flatter parts of the yard. It is not much quieter than the gas mower, a new Toro.





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